Our Mission

Advent Houston exists to embrace, embody, and extend the grace of Jesus Christ in the Texas Medical Center, Rice University, and the surrounding neighborhoods. 

Our Values

  • By humbly recognizing the limits of our own knowledge of God's revelation.
  • By allowing the mystery of the Triune God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-to lead us both to wonder and to worship.
  • By boldly and graciously preaching and teaching the truths of God's Word.
  • By cultivating an environment that is open to questions.

  • By remembering that Jesus sends us into the world as he was sent, and he invites us to participate in God's redemptive work.
  • By trusting both the ends and the means of God's work in the world to King Jesus.
  • By being flexible, creative, and bold with our ministry while seeking God's wisdom.
  • By equipping and encouraging our leaders, members, and attenders to take faith-filled ministry risks that might fail-trusting that Christ's ends will be accomplished.

  • By remembering that God's good creation (Genesis 1) comes before the fall (Genesis 3), and therefore we can view all of creation in light of God's declaration that it is "good."
  • By treating God's crowning achievement of creation-humankind-with value and dignity, actively pursuing physical and spiritual flourishing for all.
  • By warmly welcoming people from all cultures, backgrounds, and abilities, recognizing that we are all made in God's image and equally sinners in need of Christ.

  • By remembering that in Jesus's first advent, he did not remain in heaven to teach from afar, but he came into our world to dwell among us.
  • By patterning our ministry after Jesus who demonstrates that the first step is to "show up" and be present with others.
  • By actively caring about and pursuing deep personal relationships with those who God brings into our lives.
  • By creating spaces of hospitality and belonging in our Sunday gatherings, in our homes, and in the places where we work, study, and play.

  • By remembering that we live between Christ's first coming and second coming and even in that tension we wait in resurrection hope.
  • By embracing the truth of promises of God and embodying the hope of Jesus despite our present or past suffering.
  • By practicing regular rhythms of work and rest, cultivating gratitude for the good gifts of God's creation, and relishing time together.
  • By giving sacrificially and graciously because of the joy we have in God's generosity to us.

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Visit Advent houston 

Advent Houston is currently in the process of growing and planting a church body in the Houston, TX Med Center area. Get connected at one of our upcoming events to experience Advent and our growing community.